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Reading Between the Line Items

From finding and buying the smallest nuts and bolts to choosing prime contractors and other vendors, from negotiating and overseeing every contract to ensure it’s properly executed and every obligation is met, civilian contract specialists play an essential role in ensuring the Air Force’s edge remains as sharp as it can be. Truth is, not a single Air Force project could get off the ground without their considerable involvement.

During this month’s Aim Hire live webinar, we pay it forward by focusing the spotlight on the invaluable contributions of these unsung heroes and offering tips on what you can do to follow in their footsteps.

For a full accounting of this month’s show, see the line-by-line itemization of it below:

At 8:48, Lee and Mike describe the Copper Cap Internship Program and the invaluable role it played in getting their contracting administration careers off the ground.

At 10:28, Mike shares how supportive and invested in families the Air Force was in making it possible for him to continue his internship in a new location when his active-duty spouse was given a new assignment in Georgia two years into his Copper Cap internship.

At 13:05, Doug outlines how, as an active-duty Airman, the Air Force made it possible for him to “retrain” in the field of contracting administration, in spite of not having prior contracting experience, and how it launched his senior-leadership role as a civilian contract administrator.

At 16:43, Lee touches upon the emphasis the Air Force places on personal and professional growth, providing leadership training and encouraging employees to become career coaches and mentors themselves.

At 19:54, Mike does a deep dive into some of the benefits enjoyed by AFCS contract administrators, from professional development to the repayment of student loans to total compensation advantages and generous leave packages.

At 22:53, Doug sheds light on the 12-person team dedicated to assisting contract administrators across the Air Force. They work hard to make sure every contract administrator’s needs are met, familiarizing themselves with the career ambitions of each and doing everything in their power to help achieve their goals.

At 27:10, The team fields a pair of familiar questions from the audience on whether you need a college degree or be on active duty to work for Air Force Civilian Service.

At 31:15, Lee describes the perks he enjoys, and what you can look forward to as an AFCS civil servant playing a key part in such a worthwhile mission.

At 33:50, Doug contrasts the differences between being an active-duty contract specialist and the role of a civilian employee of the Air Force.

At 36:48, Mike characterizes his unique perspective as an AFCS civilian with an active-duty spouse and the satisfaction that provides.

At 39:05, The team answers a question from an active-duty soldier who asks if there is a path to take for someone already in finance with the Army to become a civilian contract administrator with the Air Force.

At 44:45, The team shares moments when they felt particularly connected to the mission and got to see the results of their labor firsthand.

At 53:17, Doug fields a question from the audience on how prior business experience can be used to land a job as a contract specialist.

Paying it forward. The civil service of the contract administrator.